Sweet Home Audio LLC Since 1997 (Formerly, St. Cecilia Sound Gallery) 1581 Main Street • Dunedin, FL 34698 (727) 446-2505
(Brian & Peggy circa 1981) SERVICES Getting the right audio and video system for your home is just the start. And we sell all of the products that will get you there. But in today's market where stereo and home theater equipment is available at almost every big-box store in town as well as all over the internet, buying AV equipment is easy. What is all too often difficult, is getting correct advice about what equipment you should be getting to best meet your room and other requirements and getting it properly installed, setup and dialed in to give you all of the performance that you should be getting. To get it right, you have to have the knowledge, the desire, the products and the tools. We do. Regardless of what equipment you currently have, whether it's new or old, expensive or modest, we can almost always make it perform better and, usually, considerably better. Here are some of the services that we provide:
We charge a modest fee for your initial site visit and evaluation, half of which will be applied to qualified products that you purchase from us for the project. You've invested a lot to get a great sounding system. Give us a call and let us help you actually get that great sound that you thought you were buying. Call us at (727) 446-2505 or email us at Sales@sweethomeaudio.com. |
Copyright © 2023 Sweet Home AudioLast modified: December 16, 2023